

Al Koot Investment Company, Jordan

Fanvil Brings High-efficient Collaboration for Trans-regional Business


The Customer

Al Koot Investment Company, a subsidiary of the Kuwaiti Al-Marshad Holding Group in Jordan, is one of the largest international real estate companies with an excellent reputation in tourism and real estate investments in several countries.

The Background

With the expansion of commercial territory and the impact of the epidemic, more and more international companies need to update the communication system to give employees flexibility and efficiency. There is no exception of the Al Koot Investment Company. Fanvil has been considered to provide a professional communication system to link with all internal departments site of the company in Jordan, as well as the administration site in Kuwait.

The Challenge

The possibility of linking more than one site;
Not only audio but also video linkage between Jordan and Kuwait;
High technical and professional specifications for operation and maintenance stably;
Different solutions for the different workplace;

The Solution

To meet the different application requirements of the workplace, Fanvil has built a flexible management system FDMS with various IP Phones. They have a direct storage feature without the need for external DSS units, color screens, and the ability to download the company logo.
With the X7A and CM60, it's possible to make a video call between the two sites in Kuwait and Jordan. Featuring built-in WiFi, colleagues can use the IP phone at any site where a wired computer network is not available.
Therefore, The company has adopted a cost-effective essential level IP phone for most employees, a manager phone with more LCDs and DSS keys for the receptionist, and a high-end touch screen IP phone for video conferences.


The Result

Communication technology adoption was pivotal to business. This one-stop solution has increased staff efficiency and their skills in office management.
The customer highlighted that the diversity and richness of Fanvil IP phones have earned it a remarkable advantage over the rest of the competitors, especially the different solutions provided by the devices for all categories and the nature of employees.
Compared with other brands, Fanvil provides its users with various devices which are suitable for different scenarios. Fanvil is the ideal choice for an enterprise communication solution. We love the Fanvil excellent Phones!

